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Coils, window dancing

Subject: Coils, window dancing
From: (Craig Fritts)
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 11:38:50 CDT
Hi, Everybody!
Due to an uncontrollable urge to 'fess up when I've done something stupid, and
the fact that telling people here at work drew blank stares, I'll tell you 
folks. After all these years owning LBC's, it never occurred to me that the 
had internal ballast resisters. That explains why the Gilbern has been burning
up the points about once a month lately....
So, the question is: if I'm planning on getting an electronic ignition unit
soon (any suggestions?) should I replace the cheapo coil I just bought with
a properly ballasted one (like the Bosch blue something as someone suggested),
or should I purchase a ballast resister? Will electronic ignition units work
with an internally ballasted coil? Any suggestions toward the most cost-
effective route would be appreciated. (BTW, Gilbern GT1800 = MGB drivetrain)
In related news, the Gilbern is in the process of getting it's first real 
paintjob since it left the factory (or barn, or wherever they built the things).
And the monthly Gilbern Owners magazine (Welsh Rarebit) made world-wide fun
of the guy that jumped on my car. I'd love for him to see it, but we're not
on speaking terms.... 


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