Oops. Randall Jessup pointed out that I committed a
cardinal sin by not indicating *whereabouts* the
Spridgets I posted as being for sale are. Sorry
Randall, they're on the left coast, as in San Jose, Ca.
And while I'm here, a spot of Redcar progress
occurred last night; With the help of fellow Bugeye
owner/restorer (but not .net person, yet) Jeff Weintraub,
we managed to rebuild one of the seat squabs so that
now my adventuresome companion no longer has to sit
on a towel wrapped around a layer of foam padding.
Of course upon completion a road test was in order to
test our handiwork, and so at 11:00pm we let hwy 17
unwind before us, guiding us up to the summit. The weather
was perfect, I think there were even extra stars out,
and Redcar sang as sweet as song as she ever has as
headed south. Upon returning however, my companion's
assessment was that "the seat looks beautiful, but it
lacks lumbar support". Harumph, but I had to understand
that this woman's point of reference is a new Volvo, so
I countered that I don't think that the concept of lumbar
support was even conceived when these seats were made. This
appeased her, and we made point to do further road
testing this weekend. Happy day.
cheers, squabs, and road testing,