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Re: Diaphragm stretching...

Subject: Re: Diaphragm stretching...
From: mjb@triumph (Mark J Bradakis)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 23:18:38 -0600
A misdirected post.


>It is my belief (with some unintentional testing...) that carburettor
>cleaner does not actually dissolve the carb diaphragm.  The diaphragm
>is a cross-linked rubber, and it would take more than solvent to 
>dissolve it. 

>BUT, carburettor cleaner will swell the diaphragm quite severely
>(on order of 125-150% in my experience.)

I learned about this from personal experience.  A few years ago I rebuilt the 
carburetors on my motorcycle.  Quite foolishly I tossed the slides with their
attached diaphragms into the carburetor cleaner.  To my horror, each one grew
about 25%, enough that fitting them inside the carburetor bodies was impossible.

"No problem", I thought. "I will just order replacement diaphragms."

Unfortunately, each diaphragm was permanently attached to its slide and would
have to be purchased together... at a cost of $75 per carburetor... and I had
four carburetors!  =8-o

Before handing over $300 because of my own studpidity, I talked to the Honda
mechanic who suggested carefully heating each diaphragm over a light bulb to 
vaporize the carburetor cleaner.  I went home and tried it.  Vola, it worked!
With a little judicious heating I was soon back in business -- and a little

                                Dustin Kassman
                                Tinkers Damn 
                                '71 MGB-GT

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