I would like to get an intake manifold Extrude-Honed. I am in
Atlanta. Is there anywhere nearby I can take it to, or can someone
tell me where to send it, please? I found nothing in our local
yellow pages.
I'm trying to do some frame design for a Spitfire. Has anyone
produced in the course of their own work a silhouette drawing
(say, projections from plan view, side view, and front view) of
the motor/transmission combo? It would be great to snarf that into
AutoCad and design a frame around it. In fact in general, I'd like to
have any sort of dimensional information on the Spitfire that I can find.
Also, since the opportunity exists to redesign the rear end mountings,
I'm curious to know about IRS rear ends from other marques that hold up
well, for which limited slip diffs are available, that have reasonable
mounting points, and that are not too big. Mazda? BMW 3-series?
Let's discuss!