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Re: V8 in TR7

Subject: Re: V8 in TR7
From: (Randell Jesup)
Date: Wed, 12 May 93 16:37:17 EDT
>Vaughan writes...
>{He tells me that he has a Mopar 440 (or 450, something like that) and
>{transmission, and he needs a cheap body to put it in.  I think he'll
>{probably end up with it, so anybody have any suggestions of things he
>{should do/watch out for when he shoehorns it in?
>           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Yeah, those dangerous things at the end of the straightaways called corners.

        To be (slightly) more serious, he should watch out for blobs of
molten steel on the road behind him coming from the brakes.  ;-)

        Even the TR8 added enough power/speed that the formerly adequate brakes
became a little bit marginal, at least according to road tests of the day
(R&T).  A big V8 would require uprated brakes for safety, not to mention
heavier springs, shocks, and probably changing swaybars to keep the handling

        Randell Jesup

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