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A Merry LBC Christmas

Subject: A Merry LBC Christmas
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 92 08:00:31 PST
     Hello All ! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas & a
     Happy & safe New Year ! I realize many of you won't
     read this 'till next year but it's a bit slow around
     here so I thought I'd pen a bit about my LBC Christmas

     #1- Recently my younger sister's boyfriend took notice
     of how much fun my brother & I have with our Sprites,
     and decided to get one himself. What he failed to
     notice was the amount of fiddling about we do with them
     as well. So of course when his car recently "started
     loosing power real quickly & hammering (!) real bad",
     I got a call from my sister to "Please help him fix his
     car as he's borrowing mine all the time". Perfect
     Christmas gift for someone you don't know what to get.
          Over Thanksgiving I had the oppourtunity to look
     it over, and although suspecting to see a rod hanging
     out the side, all looked fine. (Well, okay, as fine as
     a 1098/smoothcase looks in a MKIV Sprite :-|) Running a
     compression check however yielded 10 psi on 1 & 2.
     Hoping for a blown head gasket we pulled the head (in
     35 minutes, no less !), and sure enough there was quite
     a bit o' gasket missing. I took the head back to San
     Jose to clean it up, etc. & get the parts. 
          So the boyfriend got a head gasket set &
     associated labor to install it for Christmas. The
     Saturday after we tackled it & it went in as smooth as
     butter. We roughly checked the head for straightness,
     cleaned it up a bit & stuck it together. Torqued it all
     down, adjusted the valves, and Voila ! 150 psi on both
     1 & 2 ! The car started right up & ran better that it
     ever has. Boyfriend happy. Sister gets car back, sister

     #2- My older brother took the prize for Daren's
     favorite Christmas gift: A wonderful little book called
     "Total tuning for the classic MG Midget A-H Sprite", by
     Daniel Stapelton. Now I have Spridget books, but this
     one takes the cake. 190 photographs of highly modified
     Spridgets, and enough techno-talk to make to overwhelm
     the most anal-retentive person you know. Additionally
     it lists several pages of suppliers, modifiers, and
     clubs. Unfortunately the majority of these are in the
     U.K., and similarly the book is not readily available 
     in the U.S. yet. Apparently my brother special ordered 
     it from the U.K. from one of the book listings he
     received with Classic Car magazine. Oh well.

          All for now, & Happy Holidays to all-  

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  • A Merry LBC Christmas, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=