\The gage can be sent to Bob Castegnetta at Nisonger Repairs in
\Mamaroneck, NY.
Here is what I have on this:
Nisonger Gauge Repair
Bob Castagnetta, Proprietor
570 Mamaroneck Ave.
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Instrument rebuilding: Smith, British Jaeger, VDO speedos, tachs, ammeters,
fuel, oil, water, temp., clocks, speedo drives, etc. older British gauges
supplied outright when available; cables supplied, gearbox drives rebuilt;
also, SU fuel pumps, new or rebuilt.
[not sure how much of this Bob still supplies.
Bob is not really associated with Nisonger anymore, but he uses the name.
The real Nisonger Corp is still around, but has moved from New Rochelle, NY
to New Jersey. They do not do gauge repair. They import parts for britcars.
They are part of the Moss Motors empire. They sell only wholesale to shops.
Their toll-free number is (800) 431-2496 - Phil Ethier]
There is also a Mr. Wolf in Saint Louis, I think. I can't find the reference
to him right now, but I may have his card socked away. He gave me a quote of
$65 to fix the temperature half of my Midget's combination gauge about 4 years
ago. I let the quote go with the paperwork when I sold the Midget.
Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans Street, Saint Paul, MN 55107-2676
h (612) 224-3105 w (612) 298-5324 phile@pwcs.stpaul.gov
"I coordinated all this." - Fred G. Sanford.