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re: british car net

Subject: re: british car net
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 1 Dec 1992 13:09 EST
>From!tdm Tue Dec  1 08:48:20 1992
>     A friend of mine, fellow british car nut, is a consultant.  He
>works at home and is on "Prodigy".  Can someone tell me how he can
>sign-on to "british-cars" ?  (He's a fellow   british-car   nut,
>not a fellow-british     car-nut...)
>Don Mathis 404-447-3982
>Norcross, Georgia

At this time it can't be done because there's no "gateway" between
the internet (the network we are all on and connected by) and the
Prodigy service.  I've seen a few comments within the last month or
so that there might be a Prodigy gateway in the near future, but as of
now, there's no way to connect.  In contrast to Prodigy, Compuserve
users can subscribe to british-cars because they do have a valid
"gateway" and thus a valid "internet" address.

Hope this helps, and if anyone knows anything to the contrary,
please let me (us) know as I have two other folks that I know
have Prodigy and would love to get the b-c email list.

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Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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