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Mini model

Subject: Mini model
From: Wayne Angevine <angevine@badger.Colorado.EDU>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 92 09:18:36 -0700
At the hobby shop yesterday I found a nice Mini model.  It was 1/18
scale, made by Solido in France.  Two versions, rally and street.
The rally version has a number on the door, a racing bucket, black
fender flares, and a bunch of lights.  It's painted bright red with
white roof.  The civilian version has a representation of a sunroof
and a gray and red interior, and is painted a slightly darker red.
Both versions have nice fat tires on lovely Minilite wheels.  The doors
open and the wheels steer.  The price was a bit unreasonable at $35
- usually 1/18 scale stuff goes for more like $25-30 - but I just had
to have it.  I bought the rally version.  Check it out.


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