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Clunking first gear: never use parking attendent garages!

Subject: Clunking first gear: never use parking attendent garages!
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 18:23:01 CST
        The other day I was forced against my better judgement, to use a 
garage that was not a park and lock, but a place where they whisk your 
car away via lift. 

        Upon my return the parking lot fellow took a long time to bring
the car down, and when he came he said "I tried everything and
couldn't find reverse anywhere!" and then admitted he had to push it.  I
chuckled naivly and got in. I found that my shift knob was almost
totally unscrewed (??) and didn't think much of it.  Five minutes later
I started hearing a ching-ching-ching from the transmission.  Slowing
down I heard that it was really Ka-chung,ka-chung,ka-chung.  I thought it
was at first a U-joint, but then I discovered it was only happening in
first.  Putting my hand on the shifter gives a vibration in synch with
the noise.

        I am not sure what could have happened but I feel that the oversized
attendent-type fellow tried to muscle it into gear. Now something must
be out of line in the tranny.  Anybody hazard a guess?
        I am thinking of sending the garage a letter threatening legal
action, but I doubt anything would happen.  The shift pattern doesn't
appear anywhere - there is just a triumph symbol there.  These guys are
supposed to be professionals, hey?

        Maybe it is a good time to get the OD drivetrain I have always 
wanted. But that may wait until it is warmer.


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