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Re: Re: GT6 brakes

Subject: Re: Re: GT6 brakes
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 14:30:46 pst
> From:
> To: uunet!Kodak.COM!
> Cc:,
> Subject: Re: GT6 brakes 
> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:18:47 PST
> I've got a question of my own... (See, I'm reducing bandwidth by
> sending one message!)
> Also, all you GT6 owners: How hard is your brake pedal?  I had a VERY hard
> pedal, so I turned the front rotors and replaced all the pads/shoes.
> It's a lot better now (I can lock 'em up now at least) but does seem
> hard still.  Is this normal?  I've never driven a car without
> power-assisted brakes before this one, so I'm figuring I've just got
> to get used to it, but I'd be interested in any comments.

Is your hard pedal accompanied by non releasing brakes; i.e., does the
car roll freely after pedal pressure is released?  If not, you may
have a bad master cylinder.


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