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Correction to tire/speed calculation

Subject: Correction to tire/speed calculation
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 92 13:13:00 PST
          I knew it. As carefully as I typed it all in, I
     overlooked something very incorrect on this morning's
     post of simple rpm/mph formula. The tire size should
     be CIRCUMFERENCE in feet, not diameter. Hey, it was
     early. Oddly enough, I only got one reply correcting 
     me, from Mike Gendimenico (geesh those intel people are
     sharp ;-). I guess either no-one read it, or no-one 

          cheers and oops-     

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  • Correction to tire/speed calculation, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=