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Re: new enthusiast needs help (paul stafford)

Subject: Re: new enthusiast needs help (paul stafford)
From: pacdata!dave@UCSD.EDU (Dave Ambrose)
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 14:06:55 PST
 Paul Stafford <uunet!!pauls>> asks:

>  What I want is a convertible, 2 seat, reasonable amount of power and
>handling, relatively easy to obtain parts, and pretty good mileage. This list
>would include MGBs, Spitfires and the like( I think). It would not include
>hardtops, saloons, etc. I would like to keep my initial purchase
>price < $2500, and save back maybe $1500 for paint, wheels and tires to dress
>it up. I have some dream images of autocross eventually, and I suppose that
>ought to affect my decision somehow. I'm 6' and 210# ( I don't know how many
>stone that is), so I imagine that leaves out Spridgets and similarly-sized
>carlets. I would like early enough years to avoid the most obnoxious smog junk.
        I am almost exactly the same size as you.  I have an MGB GT and a
Sprite.  There is no problem with leg room in either car.  You will have 
to watch for windscreen clearance instead.

        The top of windscreen on the MGB roadster is just at the wrong place.
It sticks right in the middle of my line of sight.  You're slightly shorter
there may not be a problem here.  MGAs have taller windscreens and should
not pose this problem. The Sprite's windscreen is shorter and I just look 
*over* it.  Wear goggles ;-)

        When you look at a car,  make sure the seat is in good shape.  If
the seat is sagging and you later replace the worn cushion or diaphragm,
you might find yourself with blocked vision.

        Let my drop an unabashed plug for MGA's and MGBs.  I've owned one
of each now and both cars were more reliable than their Triumph counterparts.
The engines are rugged and running gear is pretty reasonable to work on.
Parts are available and not outlandishly expensive.

        I have fun driving mine and the time driving to time repairing ratio
is very good.  Prices are quite reasonable for drivable cars.  Sounds like
you want something in the '65 to 68 or 69.  All have good engine/tranny
combinations.  With an overdrive,  they are downright civilised.

>  I am not afraid of a project, although I'd like to start with a running,
>street/smog legal car. The plane that I sold, I build over 6 years...
        Look at the cars,  then go join the local club.  You may find
the car you're looking for without getting into a project.

David Ambrose  BellNet:619/597-3426             Internet:

Play it cool,  play it cool,  fifty-fifty fire and ice -- Joni Mitchell
Cogito ergo zoom;    auto racing: It's not just a sport, it's an attitude.

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