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Re: New method for one-person compression test

Subject: Re: New method for one-person compression test
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1992 12:31:58 CST
Phil Ethier ( writes:
> Another alternative is to stand there and hold the checker in the hole whilst
> cranking the starter yourself.  Look at your starter solenoid.  Does it have a
> button on it?  The British solenoids I have seen can be operated manually
> without the ignition key.

I've said this before but I'll say it again, even though it makes me look
awfully dense: make d*mn sure you didn't absent-mindedly leave the car in
gear when you parked. On the one occasion when I did, the car took off --
fortunately backwards. The massive current flow through the button and/or
solenoid held the contacts together even after the car scooted out from
under my finger on the button. It finally stopped when it rammed the work-
bench at the back of the garage.

-- Andy

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