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Re: LBCs on TV

Subject: Re: LBCs on TV
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1992 09:45:38 CST
Keith ( writes:
> And, one more, I recall a Batman episode where Batman went to *the* local 
> hangout and parked the Batmobile next to an MGA.

How about the opening credits of "Get Smart"? Doesn't Don Adams drive up in
a Sunbeam or something like that? (Hope it's not a Fiat...)

Come to think of it, I believe the car changed occasionally from one TV
season to the next...

-- Andy

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  • LBCs on TV, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626
    • Re: LBCs on TV, Andrew C. Green <=
    • LBCs on TV, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626
    • Re: LBCs on TV, Philip J Ethier