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Spitfire headers

Subject: Spitfire headers
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 00:45:25 -0700
Some time ago, perhaps last summer, I had a mail exchange with someone
on the list regarding Spitfire headers.  They had some from ??? that
sounded like what I want, a decent 4-2-1 setup rather than the 4-1 unit
like the Monza that TRF, Vicky Brit et al sell.  Does this ring a bell
with anyone?  Basically I'm looking for a stateside supplier of something
like the Triumph Tune TT1400 pipes.  So if you can provide any help. I would
appreciate it.  Otherwise, it's phone time to Stahl, TSI, or I could just
order up a set from England.


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