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leather shifter boot wanted

Subject: leather shifter boot wanted
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 14:44:28 pst
About all that's left of the shifter boot for my snake is a few shreds
of dried, cracked leather.  Whenever I drive a swirl of hot air blows up
around the shift lever so I figure it's replacement time.  Not long
after I bought the car I replaced the original black rubber accordion
shaped boot with a much more attractive one made of red leather.  I'd
like to get another one just like it, if possible.  The auto accessories
company I bought the last one form has been out of business for a number
of years but I'm hoping someone still sells them or something similar.
Here's what I'm looking for:

    red leather
    round base, ~5 1/2" in diameter
    about 6" high.

The base is held down by a flat chrome plated trim ring about 1/2 " wide
so a slightly wider based could be trimmed to fit.  The height is less
critical but 6" is about minimum.  I assume the top opening would be
somewhat adjustable but should be able to accommodate a 1/2 - 3/4 "
shifter diameter.

Does either Moss or TRF sell anything like this?



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