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Riley h2o pump update, pt.2

Subject: Riley h2o pump update, pt.2
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 92 11:29:37 PST
          Well since it's been awhile since I reported on 
     the water pump rebuilding effort I've been undertaking 
     on Mr. Riley, maybe this is a good time to catch you 
     all up. 
          I finally got all the parts back from MSI after 
     they welded up all the cracks, PO-induced holes to 
     plumb dysfunctional heaters, etc. As usual they 
     did a wonderful job, in fact you cannot even see where 
     they welded up the bypass pipe ! All new, I set about 
     painting all the components that look painted in my 
     manual a nice green enamel. 
          Some of the gaskets I was able to buy since they 
     are the same as on a TC, but many others I had to make. 
     My employer graciously offered up a perfect-sized O-ring to
     seal the bypass pipe, and all new Whitworth hardware 
     came from O'Connors. Finally a few weekends ago I was 
     ready to put it all together.  
          The first thing that was in order was to assemble 
     the shaft-bearings-seals, etc., into the nose of the pump.  
     I'd bunged up the threads a bit on both ends of the shaft  
     when pressing off the impeller & pulley, so I spent quite  
     a bit of time cleaning them up with a thread file so the  
     nuts went on smoothly. Finally it was all sorted out & 
     fit together like new. Next came time to fit the 
     impeller. The impeller is held in place with a 
     woodruff key and a very thin brass aircraft nut. Well 
     the aircraft nut had long since lost it's threads, and 
     the only thing O'Connors had was a normal thickness 
     nickel plated whitworth aircraft nut. When I put this 
     on it was quickly apparent that the nut was too thick & 
     the locking portion never even contacted the shaft 
     threads. In order to make this work I had to carefully 
     cut the nut in two, effectively creating the world's 
     narrowest aircraft nut. A glob of Loctite for 
     insurance, and it all fit perfectly.   
          With all back together it was too pretty to put back on
     that dirty old engine, so I spent quite a bit of time cleaning up
     the front of the engine compartment. Finally I realized if I was
     going to go any further I would soon be disassembling the entire
     car, so I put the pump back on. Now the only thing left to do is
     to make up two 3.5" long stainless steel 5/16" whitworth studs to
     hold the water rail on, and the water pump is done. But then I have
     to do the oil line banjos, front u-joint, check that leaky front
     wheel cylinder .....

               mo' later-  

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  • Riley h2o pump update, pt.2, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=