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Re: Scott Fisher #1

Subject: Re: Scott Fisher #1
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 15:32:48 EST
From: Roland Dudley <>

|> > To:
|> > Subject: Scott Fisher #1
|> > Date:     Thu, 5 Nov 1992 11:02:03 PST
|> > From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>

|> > 
|> > Just talked to him; he's employed, and he's working on getting a netcom
|> > account, so he should be back on the list shortly. He wanted me to pass
|> > along thanks to all the folks who offered him jobs!
|> Good news.  Maybe we can resurrect the jag-u-r discussion when he gets
|> net access!

No, no, no!  First he has to inspire me to do something about my non-running
MGB by describing how Nirvana can be reached simply by the sights, smells,
and sounds provided by an lbc.


Robert Jones   Mead Data Central     Dayton, Ohio
"Driving an MG in competition is more than just starting out in a
worn-out old car, it's a symbol of rebellion against authority and convention,
the automotive equivalent of a little guy with a sling and an attitude
squaring off against the toughest opponent his enemies can offer."
   -Scott Fisher    

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