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Re: tires for a midget

Subject: Re: tires for a midget
From: (Ralph E. Droms)
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 21:06:28 EDT
I just ordered 145SR13 Michelin XZX tires for my Bugeye through a
local tire store.  If I can get 'em here in Lewisburg, PA, they can be
gotten *anywhere*.  I think Michelin XZXs were stock on later
Spridgets (although my reference point is now 20 years old - a buddy
bought one while we were at Penn State).  Michelins tend to be hard -
they'll wear a long time but don't grip all that well.  The guy at the
tire store had a couple of alternatives - myabe Dunlop and a no-name
off-brand - also in 145SR13, but I held out for the Real Thing.

- Ralph

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