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Re: Lunch in the Bay area

Subject: Re: Lunch in the Bay area
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 10:29:57 pdt
> From:
> Subject: Lunch in the Bay area
> To:
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 9:58:21 PDT
> It looks like I forgot to include the rest of the group when responding to
> Roland.  Since Some people won't be around next week, and others won't have
> the use of their brit cars, the lunch today at Britania Arms at 11:30 is 
> still on.  At least Scott Fisher #1 and I will be there for sure, possibly
> Roland if he can replace the fuel filter in his snake, and anyone else that
> feels like showing......  
> Britania Arms is really on Sunnyvale-Saratoga/De Anza on the San Francisco
> side of the street in Cupertino.

After receiving a few responses pointing out that my map was completely
bogus, I did some research.  The Brittania is located in the Courtyard
Shopping Center on Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road in Cupertino, which I believe
is near Bollinger.


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