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Meeting fellow SOLers

Subject: Meeting fellow SOLers
From: (Scotty Paisley)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 92 16:50:02 EDT
Hi folks!  It's been a long trip, but I'm back.  And yes, the TR6
still has some low gauges, but I've decided that the oil pressure is
just fine where it is.

My trip took me to Huntsville for a few days, and I hooked up the T.J.
Higgins and Kevin Riggs from the list.  A great time!  If anyone comes
to the D.C. area, I'd be happy to meet some fellow SOL folk for a brew
or two.  

T.J. has a real nice Alpine that decided it was smarter than both of
us.  It was raining the night T.J. was to pick me up at the hotel, and
I was all prepared to give him a real hard time about having the top
up.  When he arrived, the top was up, but that was mainly because the
top didn't appear to come off.  A non removable top on an alpine?
Wait, that was no alpine it was a pickup truck!  I never was too good
at identifing cars actually...

T.J. wrote
 > L U C A S   S T I L L   R U L E S   ! ! !

No way... I think that the Alpine was too shy to meet someone from the
North, or smart enough to know that it was going to rain cats and

T.J. also introduced me to Kevin Riggs.  Kevin and I talked about the
physical natures of TR6 iron as he had just finished his rebuild and
was going to start his car up for the first time the night I was in
town!  Instead he decided to take a break and come out and down a few
brews at the pub.  (I'm not too sure that we had to twist his arm too
hard though...)  I see that Kevin has since started his car - Yay!

Kevin wrote:
 > The Second Problem:  The car runs rough.  I fiddled with timing and the
 > idle set screws, trying to get the car to idle well, but I couldn't get
 > it to run below 1400 RPM.  It's rough at all speeds.  I assume that the

My TR6 wouldn't idle less than 1400 RPM's for about 6 months!  That
was due to a vacuum leak that I just didn't reconize.  I wouldn't
worry about that just yet.  Don't forget that the engine the carbs
were tuned for is no longer in your car.  I wouldn't be surprised if
they need some tweaking.  Play with them (check out the Bentley carb
section) before rebuilding...

 > But I heard something I didn't like, so I stretched it out
 > a little after we stopped and made a left.  There it was.  A definite
 > grinding, shrieking whine in second (but only second) gear.  

There was gear oil in the trans yes?  (I almost forgot to put gear oil
in mine...  :-0

 > We're headed for home, here.  But not before the thumping gets
 > persistent, and then insistent, and then, damn, there's something way
 > wrong back there!  Apparently a universal joint (with no more than 3K
 > miles on it) is going bad on the right-rear half-shaft.

Bogus!  If it makes you feel any better, all my u-joints are about to
go.  I'm hoping that they won't drop any pins on the ground until
winter - when I'll replace them...

 > I didn't have the heart to pull the plugs or look around at the drive
 > train last night when things cooled off, so I'm not sure where I sit
 > right now.  But I'll certainly need to have the transmission thoroughly

If your plugs are black (as if your carbs are rich) I wouldn't worry
about it yet.  Plugs can look like this when you do short trips, and
drive around town.

Anyway, so it sounds like you need a starter and a u-joint.  I
wouldn't be conviced of the trans *requiring* work now.  It may be
that the extra pressure from the bad ujoint was giving you a nasty
sound... (but probably not) Anyway, I would save the trans work for
last if needed.  Besides, you can always skip second gear with your
new powerhouse engine!  :-)

Congrats on bringing your engine to life, keep the faith that the
wheels will be turning soon...


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