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Subject: snakefest
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 92 14:36:11 pdt
I think it's time for another South Bay SOL lunch get-together.  Last
time the rest of you got to bring your LBCs.  I had drive my Chevy.
That wasn't fair.  It's MY turn; and besides, the snake's looking for an
excuse to rumble; a snake coming-out-ing.  Heck, maybe dstone will even
have his Riley going by then.

How about sometime, say, next week, maybe the same place (sorry,
forgotten the name).  I'm open to suggestions.  I do think it should be
some place with adequate parking, prompt service (i.e., no long wait to
be seated), reasonably good food and moderate prices.  I'm willing to
give Pedro's another try but I think the logistics would preclude making
a reservation.

Roland Dudley

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