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Re: Re: Darn that Roland.... NOT!

Subject: Re: Re: Darn that Roland.... NOT!
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 92 10:50:53 PDT
> Subject: Re:  Fast British Cars (FBCs)
> Well Eric, Lets see..
> TVRs
> Sunbeam Tigers
> FrankinSprites
> TR8s
> Daimler Darts (Into Hemis?)
> Daimler versions of Jag MkIIs

TeriAnn suggests:

> Course now, properly built its amazing what the Triumph TR2-4A engine can
> do with go fast goodies.  Ask the V8 'Vette owners at Laguna Seca who could
> not keep up with Baby Doll (A TR engined Morgan).
> I suppose there are always McClaren

And, of course, there's the ever popular Morris Minor with a blown 
small-block Chevy V8.

     >>And who could forget a TR6 with the rare
     big-block/automatic/wheel tubs + slicks option ?
     Hey, I just happen to have a picture of one right 
     here .....     ;-)


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