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Wiley Waterpump Weport

Subject: Wiley Waterpump Weport
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 92 10:55:08 PDT
     (Sorry, I just couldn't wesist),

          Well, I'm a *bit* closer to having a restored Riley
     water pump;

     Since the Riley missed Palo Alto I figured I now have
     plenty of time to gather up the new parts, etc. to do
     the water pump properly. O'Connor's came to the rescue
     with all new fasteners, an inch thread file and 5/16" 
     Whitworth tap. Then when looking at all my freshly-bead
     blasted parts Mike noted that the thermostat housing is
     the same as a MGTC's, and promptly produced a gasket set
     that fit perfectly. Unfortunately the parts I needed
     most (bearings), didn't match up anything he had, so it
     was off to King Bearing. 
          Tossing the bearing up on the counter produced a
     few raised eyebrows. Telling them what they came out of &
     how old they were produced a few more. Luckily I got an
     old-timer who considered it a personal goal to help me
     out. The back bearing was easy enough (and oddly
     enough, metric !), but the front one left it's outer
     race inside the housing so we had to sleuth about,
     finally narrowing it down to one of two. The good news
     was that both bearings are available in two days. The
     bad news was the total cost was either $75 or $145,
     depending on which front bearing I needed. I later
     determined to need the cheaper (but still not cheap),
     of the two. So, this looks like it'll be nearly a $200
     water pump when it's all done. It better work *good*.

     Two quick questions; 1-After blasting the impeller we
     noted it very corroded, and I was wondering about
     having it powder painted or something like, to seal it
     from further corrosion. Any comments, suggestions ?
     It seems to be "pot" metal.

     2-Any Bay Area recommendations on where to get Spridget
     kingpins installed & reamed ?

          mo' later-

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  • Wiley Waterpump Weport, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=