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Re: Selling things on british-cars

To: southern@neit.cgd.ucar.EDU,
Subject: Re: Selling things on british-cars
From: (Carl Stern)
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 92 15:00:20 MDT

     I think sellers who don't list the price are trying to play the car
salesman sucker game.  Bait someone with interest and hope you can get
their emotions to override their financial sense.  They are looking to sell 
something to the rare idiot who would plunk down lots of money for something 
that is way overpriced.  I assume the average buyer has a rough idea of the 
market he is shopping in, or at least they should.  
     I always publish the price in an ad, or put it right on the vehicle if I'm
displaying it somewhere.  This accomplishes two things.  One, I don't waste
my time (or theirs) with calls from people who can't afford it anyway.  The 
other is to make sure I don't miss out on people who would think that the 
price is too high and won't call to avoid the embarassment. (if you have to ask
you probably can't afford it, thinking).  Not seeing a price makes me (and 
most people) assume its a high price, not a good one, or it would be there.
I guess that is the case with these recent listings too.



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