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MG Miget and XKE

Subject: MG Miget and XKE
From: tjohnson@dsd.MENTORG.COM (Tom Johnson)
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 13:30:09 PDT
A friend suggested that a posting to this account might provide me with
some help.  I am sorry if this is an inappropriate posting and apologize
in advance.

I acquired a 1966/67 MG Miget in a trade.  It is a very cute car and has
an excellent body, windows, etc.  The problem is that it doesn't have
a engine or transmission.  I need to find a used engine and transmission
at a reasonable price (read that as cheap :-).  I would like to get the 
1200cc engine, but the 1098cc would do.  If I cannot find an engine, I
will probably part out the car (which I don't want to do).  So, help!

The second thing is that in this same trade, I got three XKE bonnets (hoods).
There is no chrome or lights on these.  Basically, just the sheet metal.
I am told that one is a Series 1, another is a V12, and the last is a ?
(there is also some misc. other sheet metal).  I have no place to store
this stuff and would like to sell it for a reasonable price.  Does any
one want to make an offer on it?



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