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Re: More wire wheel stories

To: SOL <>
Subject: Re: More wire wheel stories
From: (Berry Kercheval)
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 92 09:32:18 PDT
>>>>> On Sun, 13 Sep 1992 15:47:34 CDT, "Andrew C. Green" 
><> said:

Andrew> It occurs to me that if this subject is to continue much longer, perhaps
Andrew> we should clarify how you identify right and left hand threads by 
Andrew> at them.

I've been out sick a day or towo and am plowing through my mialbox
this morning, so pardon me if this has been rehashed endlessly
already, but here's how I identify threads.  Wrap your fingers around
the bolt in the direction you turn it, and point your thumb in the
direction it moves.  If you can do this with your right hand, it's a
right hand thread.  If you can do it with your left, it's a left hand

The vast majority of fasteners on almost all equipment use right hand
threads, so when I'm leaning over the engine undoing that &%#$ banjo
on the backside of the block and I'm suddenly unsure which way to turn
the wrench, I point my right thumb in the direction I want the part to
move and my fingers curl in the direction I should turn.  Works every

(Incidentally, Mk VI Bentleys have left hand threads on the left


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