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Re: Jags - simple enough

Subject: Re: Jags - simple enough
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 09:38 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: -- 09/14/92 00:33
Changing the oil on the 4.2l engine with the front wheels raised
on ramps is something I have always done. This seems valid because
the plug will be at the lowest point. Important to have the engine
hot so that the oil is runny and the crud dispersed. Essential too
that you get scalded as well as filthy in the process. Replace the
copper gasket only if it is badly damaged from over tightening.
Gently heating old copper gaskets in a gas flame anneals them to
make a better seal next time. The one and only time I let a garage
do the oil change they cross-threaded the plug into the alloy
sump pan, grrr!
Can't help you on fuel injection. My 4.2l is in a Ser.I E with
triple SU's

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