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Re: Smiths gauges still made?

Subject: Re: Smiths gauges still made?
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1992 14:26:17 CDT
ian (ian@Centric.COM) writes:
> I suppose it's a stupid question to ask if Smiths gauges are still made?

Not stupid at all; as far as I've heard they are still around and supplying
gauges. They are one of those old-as-the-hills outfits that probably made 
gauges for warplanes in WWII, etc. If you ever find a Spitfire or Hurricane
in a museum, take a look-see. (seriously!)

When in England several years ago, I browsed through more than a few auto
parts stores and found not only what looked like original equipment replace-
ment gauges being sold separately as aftermarket add-ons, but also extra,
really-obscure-function gauges, different styles, and weird ones like a
"Fasten Seat Belts" warning light/buzzer unit put in a standard 2" bezeled
assembly. I believe "Have a Nice Day" was also available, but I don't know
that it was a Smiths unit.

-- Andy

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