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Re: Wanted: Used Roll Bar for 1500 Midget

To:, akgua!att!!brucec (Bruce Carter)
Subject: Re: Wanted: Used Roll Bar for 1500 Midget
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 08:57 EDT
I agree !  After hearing Teriann tell of her experiences I now have my 
daughters (13 & 16) helping me with the cars.  So far they seem to 
kind of enjoy it. Recently Lindsey, 16, was in a car and the battery
seemed to die after the car was stopped.  Lindsey told the lady 
driving that it was probably corroded battery terminals and proceeded
to get a hammer out of the trunk, tap the terminals and the car started.
Lindsey was a hero...heroine.  Thank you, Teriann.

Don Mathis

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