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Greetings! New victim!

Subject: Greetings! New victim!
From: Joshua Gordon <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1992 10:51:38 -0700
Hello everyone! I'm the new and happy owner of a '75 Midget, a ghastly
orange color (the hood and trunk covers have been replaced with brick
red components) (at least it isn't bright yellow or baby blue, I suppose).
Hopefully, I'm not going to have a lot to complain about here (hah! hah!).
My only real annoying problem with the car (at the moment) is that the
right forward bright beam doesn't work, and I've not found anything 
incorrectly connected yet. (Yes, I've tried replacing the lamp itself;
no joy.) My discoveries so far include "When the Midget's gas gauge says
E, it really is empty" and "Midgets are real easy to push to the gas

Anyone have a sense of what sort of gas mileage a well-tuned California
Midget should be getting?

Is there an American MG owners club? Anyone have the address?

Thanks, and happy motoring!

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