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Re: Observation... jack stands

Subject: Re: Observation... jack stands
From: (Bob Tufts)
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 92 17:54:49 EDT

Andy writes:
I also had one incident when we tried to put a big
Mercury up on stands on a blacktop surface; one leg on one stand started
sinking into the blacktop, and we gave up THAT idea in a hurry.

Although my garage is concrete, my driveway is tar and I sometimes have
need to use jackstands in the driveway. I find a square piece of 3/4" plywood
does a nice job of distributing the load under the jackstands. The truth be
told, I prefer to use the real sturdy steel ramps under the wheels if I'm not
worrking on wheels and just looking for ground clearance. And I usually have
the jack under the car (as backup) when using jackstands. (don't anticipate
any earthquakes in these parts! :-)

-Bob T.

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