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To: (sol)
Subject: OHMY MGC
From: (Gary L. Berry)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 92 11:27:51 PDT
Hey All;

        Well, I seem to have two problems involving my 68 MGC.  the
first is that I haven't had it running in a couple of years, and the gas
tank is now lined with a layer of red varnish.  Now my fuel filter keeps
getting plugged, and the bottom of my SU's keep getting caked with it.
I have removed the tank, added a few gallons of gas and swished it
around for awhile, but it doesn't seem to be helping a whoile lot. So,
is ther a faster way of cleaning the tank?  Should I try laquer thinner
instead of gas?

        The second problem is smog testing.  I haven't had to have this
thing smogged here in Calif for eight years, and now the DMV says I need
a smog certificate.  This wouldn't be so bad, except my air pump is
frozen, and I have not been able to find a replacement, pf course all of
the other equipment is there.  Now the last time I went and had it
checked, the smog guy let it run for ten minutes to warm up, opened the
hood, and said "Hey, this has multiple carbs.  It's exempt".  he then
closed the hood and gave me the filled out certificate.  So, I'm
wondering if I really do need a smog check, or is there something in the
rules which exempts dual carbs from the factory?  And If I really do
need one, does anyone know where I can get an air pump (either purchase
or borrow)??

        Thanks for any help...

                                        Gary Berry

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