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Re: Eternal verity confirmed

Subject: Re: Eternal verity confirmed
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1992 10:08:14 CDT
mtqua!jeb (James Beckman) writes:
> The Healey (and maybe some other LBCs, I don't know) has a long tube that
> runs down the middle of the steering column, carrying the wires from the
> turn indicator (sorry, trafficator) switch mounted in the hub of the steer-
> ing wheel.

Believe your horn-honker wire is in there, too, right? BTW, I came across
a usage of "trafficator" in my latest Car & Driver; I hope this means that
tasteful words like that will remain in the popular lexicon...

> And how long did the Dreaded Previous Owner(s) drive around with a steering
> box lubricated by dust and memories?

As my neighbor would remark whenever I discovered the aftermath of a long-
overlooked mechanical blunder and began agonizing over something that had
been that way for a long time: "Guess what? It's DONE! Get on with your life!"
In other words, whatever light film of oil remained in there must have been
sufficient to get you to this point without suspicious symptoms. Oil can be
very weird and wonderful stuff; you can squish out the majority of it from
between two surfaces, but you get down to a micro-thin layer between the
parts that just won't break or let go for love nor money... even in an LBC.

> Anyway, the Healey eventually came snorting and blatting out of
> the garage for a brief run around the neighborhood (with windshield
> folded down, of course).

Ain't life wonderful?  :-)

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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