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To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Landies
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 92 14:29 EDT
Did anybody watch MotorWeek last week on PBS ? They had a very good
2-3 minute segment on the Land Rover Defender, which has arrived in the
US. Only 500 will be imported this year, and all of them have been
spoken for. It looks very nice, and by using the Range Rover chassis/suspension
should have the agility of a mountain goat.
The 3.9L V8 engine, with 5-speed (high and low range) gearbox. Wow what
a difference from the 1966 Series IIA, with Perkins diesel, I used to
drive in the UK.

I tkink however that the Rover Group is making another big blunder, by
only importing the Defender, why not the import any of their other models ?

It's been a while since I ve been in a Land Rover dealer, but 3 years ago,
I could buy any model Land Rover, with starting price (in those days) of
$15,000. I could choose a striped Rover 90, and add any options I wanted.
(BTW - options on a Land Rover number almost 100 !!!!!). So if I could not 
afford the top-of-the-line Defender, I could always find something in my 
price range.

What is the American consumer going to do ? Lump it or leave it, walk across
the road and buy a Jeep !.

I never understood European car manufacturers (especially Rover, Peugeot, 
Citroen and Alfa). They only import their top models, and do not bring
any thing else. So If I am in the market for say a Rover, what choice do
I have ? NONE, so I turn to a German, US or (god-forbid) Japanese company.


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