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Re: Oilscan

Subject: Re: Oilscan
From: DANIELS@LMSBV2.TAMU.EDU (Lee M. Daniels, Texas A&M)
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1992 9:48:23 -0500 (CDT)
>>The oilscan checks for coolant, fuel, blowby, bearing & ring
>>materials, and about 15 other components in order to try and determine the
>>internal health of your engine.
>Has anybody else done this?  What do they do, put it in a mass spec?  

The metals are usually analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, or in
some cases Atomic Emission Spectroscopy.  I actually performed an oil
analysis once as part of a chemical research project, and I looked up all
this stuff.  The metals are dissolved out of the oil with a mixture of
strong acids (some violent reactions occur here!), extracted into an
aqueous solution, and then the metal ions are detected spectroscopically. 

Lee M. Daniels - Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding - Texas A&M  |  DANIELS@TAMLMSB.BITNET  |  (409) 845-3726

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