Last night I was out on one of my boat-hunting
excursions and happened across not one but two, count
'em two, sad looking Jaguars ! They are both located at
the Redwood City (Calif.) Marina, one inside what
appears to be a storage area for boat owners and the
other just sitting in the parking lot collecting mucho
dust. And the kind ? Thought you'd ask; the one inside
the storage area was either a drop-head 140/150,
(I'm naive to the differences), and the parking lot one
was a late-model XKE, 2+2 I believe. There's gotta be
some clever correlation between the Jags and Old Rotten
Boats, but I haven't had enough java this morning to put
it together yet. FYI, Redwood City marina is just off
101, by MMMMalibu Grand Prix, if anyone feels detective-ish.
ps. Scott Fisher- thanks for the reply & directions,
sorry I couldn't make it. If it happens again I'll
forego the boat hunting & bring the La Carrera videos.