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msg. for the US Scott Fisher

Subject: msg. for the US Scott Fisher
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 92 14:48:31 PDT
     Sorry to bomb the whole list w/this, but I don't have
     Scott's address. 

          Scott Fisher in Palo Alto- I just received a call
     from Vic (tim), indicating there would be a minor gathering 
     at your house to view the videos of Vic generating MGB
     carnage at Sears Point this past weekend. Knowing Vic, I
     thought I ought to ask you first if you know about
     this, and then if you do, and you are, could I get
     better directions as part of Vic's involved turning on
     a street that "I think it starts with a B".


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  • msg. for the US Scott Fisher, Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6 <=