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RED LINE WaterWetter

Subject: RED LINE WaterWetter
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 92 12:36:17 PDT
Hey all...

I got my hands on some new stuff recently that's meant to reduce coolant
temperature.  I'm haven't tried it out yet, but will perform Scientific
Experiments soon.  The glop:

RED LINE WaterWetter(tm).  "Cooling System Heat Transfer Agent".  It used
to come as a flourescent pink power, now it's a flourescent pink liquid
in a 12 ounce plastic bottle.

The blurb:

"Cooling System Heat Transfer Agent for Anti-freeze / Water Mixtures.
Improves the ability of antifreeze/water mixtures to wet heat ransfer
surfaces by 50%.  This provides significantly better coolant contact
in the cylinder head and can reduce coolant and cylinder head temperature
by as much as 30degF.  Can be used with 100% water but does not alter
freezing point or provide corrosion protection."

"Directions for use: 1 ounce per quart or 1 bottle per automotive cooling
system.  Less than 50% antifreeze provides further improvement in temperature
reduction.  This product does not contain corrosion inhibitors, so should
be used with at least 20% antifreeze, or with Red Line Rust & Corrosion
Inhibitor to provide the necessary corrosion protection.  Change cooling
system  annually best protection."

Hmm!  Very interesting...     I plan on doing several cold-to-running-temp
starts on the car and noting the steady-state temp reading (off the temp
gauge wouldn't be very accurate, I guess I should get a real thermometer),
then adding the toxic slime and doing it again and see if it peaks at a
lower temp.  It may be possible that the stuff allows better wet contact
at speed, though, when the water is sloshing around rapidly and may foam,
cavitate, whatever, and won't be that exciting at idle speeds.  We'll see.

Red Line Synthetic Oil Corp
3450 Pacheco Blvd.
Martinez, CA  94553
(510) 228-7576


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