"Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6"
<DSTONE@libra.intel.com> writes:
> Just by chance, is this the period of time that mjb said he'd be gone, and
> hopefully nothing would go awry with the mailer ? If so, it's strangely
> coincidental with the lack of traffic ....
I hope not. However, for the record, and in case this happens to anyone
else: I received a reply to a recent posting of mine from the postmaster
of stclair@lsil.com, indicating that the person is No Longer With The
Company, and would I please stop the auto-mailings. I've forwarded their
message to the b-c-request account and informed the lsil postmaster of this,
so you need not do anything further if you also receive a reply from them.
-- Andy