The rear tube shock conversion works real well. However,
don't get the front one that puts the shock next to the
spring. Some people have said that it causes the front end
to twist, and therefore, wear out more quickly.
There does seem to be some of this. I don't know how it compares
with stock. The paint from the lousy paint job isn't covering the
poor repair job (done by the painter) on the front left wing as well
any more.
I don't know if that is true or not, but I do know that
shocks in that position tend to rub against the brake lines,
which is NOT good.
My cheap kit has wire springs used to keep the brake lines away from
the shocks. They seem to work. The better kit includes stainless
steel brake lines as replacements to deal with this problem.
Again, never having driven a stock B, I'm not qualified to do a
comparison. I went with tube shocks because the conversion kit was
cheaper than repairing the lever shocks and rumor had it that they
last longer.