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Re: Mid-Ohio Vintage Race

Subject: Re: Mid-Ohio Vintage Race
From: Sarah A Sieling <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 92 17:01:02 EDT

The race at Mid-Ohio was a great time.  The weather was beautiful and the cars 
were great.  Thanks to everyone that stopped by the Neptune Engineering 
Trailer.  It was fun to meet some of the people that I only know by names on 
the computer.

My husband, Roger, raced his Lotus XI (not a 23) in Group 5.  He had a great 
time in the practice sessions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  He beat his 
past track times on Saturday with a 1:54 (not as fast as the McGlone Lotus 7 
but maybe next time with the new engine).  The XI ran so well on Saturday 
afternoon that he didn't even take it out on Sunday morning for the practice 
session.  Unfortunately Roger and his crew overfilled the catch tank in the 
final minutes before his rush and it started overflowing during the race 
spreading over the engine and breaks.  He was leading his class until the last 
lap when his breaks started feeling really strange and the Lola that was in 
second place passed him at the end of the long straight.  Maybe he will meet 
the Lola again somewhere and come out ahead the next time.

For those who have been to other tracks but never Mid-Ohio, I would like to
encourage you to attend the vintage race in August there.  Mid-Ohio is be far
the nicest track that I have been to in the Eastern part of the US.  Jim
Trueman of Truesports ownership really make it into a first class track before
his death.  His wife Barbara, now runs it and she has certainly maintained the

There are several vintage races coming up in the next several months in this 
part of the country.  A nice smaller race is in July in Pittsburgh at a city 
track.  Two in Michigan in August and another at Mid-Ohio in
August.  Watkins Glen race in just outside of Corning New York in early
September.  If anyone is interested, I could post a schedule of these.
I am not sure which ones we will attend.  Roger doesn't usually run the 
Michigan races any more.  The race in Pittsburgh usually fills up pretty fast 
and has high walls around most of the track.  He has a great fear of putting 
the Lotus XI into one of them so he has never taken the car there.  He usually 
runs at Watkins Glen but I can't go this year because of work committments so I
am unsure if he will go (probably will though).

The Mini-Meet East in Columbus this past weekend was a huge success.  I was 
told there were around 140 cars.  We stopped by there late Friday night and the
parking lot was full of the most beautiful minis I have ever seen.  One man 
also a beautiful, huge St. Bernard that had traveled with him in his mini wagon
from Wisconsin, I believe.  Friends who organized the meet were really pleased 
with the turn-out and said they thought fun was had be all.

I hope to meet more of you at future races.  Please look us up.

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