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Re: LBC mindset applied to work situation

To: (
Subject: Re: LBC mindset applied to work situation
From: "S." Bateson <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 18:55:51 WET DST
> Something I learned from this list has proven valuable to a situation at 
> the workplace:  One of printers for which I am responsible decided to start 
> flashing one of its error indicators even though the condition didn't 
> exist.  After two weeks of having users come by to tell me something was 
> wrong, I remembered something that has been mentioned here several times.
> I took an action which has suddenly halted the concern of the users --- I 
> put a piece of black electrical tape over the light!!!!
> Lee M. Daniels - Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding - Texas A&M
>  |  DANIELS@TAMLMSB.BITNET  |  (409) 845-3726

Black tape is very useful when your LBC needs it's MOT,

and the sidelights aren't working: Simply tape over the

sidelight lense, and since you now have no sidelights, you

aren't tested on them. Well, a strict testing centre may

not allow this, but it has worked several times for me....

Simon Bateson
University of Keele


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