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Redcar progress, or "6 days to go"

Subject: Redcar progress, or "6 days to go"
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 07:25:51 PDT
     On Redcar progress:

     Last night I got a late start, but did manage to drill
     all of the Panhard mounting bolt holes through the
     *edge* of the gas tank flange. Then wedging myself up 
     under the roll bar, into the boot (NOT for the 
     claustrophobic!) I spent about 1/2 hr with a rat-tail 
     file cleaning up the holes so the bolts would drop thru. 
     Once I was satisfied with this I went about sorting thru 
     my coffee can of flat washers to find suitable replacements 
     for the tin-foil thin and way-too-big-to fit fender washers
     that WC sent me. Another complaint about this kit. 
          Once all sorted out, I went about dropping these
     thru & snugging them up. Alone, this a very
     labor-intensive process, as you have to vise-grip the
     bolt from the inside, then crawl under the car to
     tighten the nut. After about 45min. of automotive
     gymnastics, the Panhard mount was firmly in place.
          As I lay on the ground under my car, I paused 
     to reflect on the Panhard. I sincerely hope that the
     benefit to be derived from fitting this is roughly
     proportional to the amount of angst it's installation
     has caused me. Lest I sound a whiner I won't go into
     detail about what is amiss with this component, but I
     will say that if yu are planning to install one on a
     Bugeye, be prepared to do quite a bit of fiddling about
     with it. Overall it is well-made, but at least
     w/regards to MkI's, it needs a bit of sorting out,
     installation-wise. (off soapbox)
          Now all I have left to do is install the rod
     itself, and refit the parking brake, ala Phil E.

     On horns and roll bar hardware: Many people lamented
     the small car/small horn complaint, and the Sprite is
     no exception. But based on my current schedule &
     budget, stock is fine by me. Also, simply loud doesn't 
     always fit the character of the car. It's got to be
     loud & British ....
          Overall net.wisdom says leave the Grade 5 mounting
     bolts in the roll bar as in a collision they will tend 
     to deform when the 8's may snap. Sounds right by me, but 
     I don't intend to test out this theory ...

          mo' later-


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  • Redcar progress, or "6 days to go", Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6 <=