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proper fasteners & clutch probs

Subject: proper fasteners & clutch probs
From: (Scotty Paisley)
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 09:29:53 EDT
"Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" writes:
 >      bar/cage mounting bolts, with the following bit of
 >      wisdom; That roll bar mounting bolts should be grade
 >      5, as grade 8 bolts are more brittle and thus more
 >      likely to snap in the event of a rollover. Makes sense,
 >      has anyone else heard this ?

I've heard exactly this argument on other fasteners...  One that comes
to mind is connecting rod bolts.  Some say to just grab some grade 8
bolts and go for it, but I know for a fact that connecting rod bolts
(in some engines anyway) will stretch.  I would think that it would be
much preferable to have such a bolt stretch, rather than snap in half.
You could use the same logic for a roll bar.  :-)

Here's a clutch problem I was having on my TR6 yesterday...  I walked
into a store, came back out, and hoped in the car for the ride home.
While driving home, the clutch pedal seemed to follow my foot to the
top of the pedal.  EVEN after I moved my foot off the pedal all
together, the pedal insisting on following my foot!  Not side to side,
but up and down.  At first, I was thinking, "Oh great, what now...
Could my master-cylinder be stuck somehow?  Could the slave be pushing
that much pressure back up to the pedal?  Is my clutch getting
stronger?  The clutch itself was working just fine, but the pedal felt
like I was driving a completely different car! All of these things
seemed ridiculous to me, but I figured it out...  There was a hunk of
gum stuck to my shoe and the clutch pedal!  You know, it would have
almost been easier to replace the clutch...  Getting gum off your shoe
can be an all day affair...:-(

Daren, if this gum from a dream you had...well, let's just say that I
might start dreaming about Redcar... you did say you needed to change
the oil...  Don't forget to put some back in!  :-)

"All the parts falling off this car are of the very finest British
manufacture, or some gum that was holding something together."

Scott Paisley      ..!uunet!cme-durer!paisley

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