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PVC for garage air supply

Subject: PVC for garage air supply
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 17 Jun 1992 12:10 EDT
Thanks to all who provided follow-up to my initial thoughts on
using PVC for air lines in my garage.  Bottom line seems to be that
OVC is OK.  Jim Tencate related that the entire lab environment he works
in at Texas U. (or is it U of Texas?) uses PVC for a 110 psi air
system.  Yesterday I stopped at Home Depot on the way home and
rechecked the ratings on their PVC.  All the PVC was schedule 40
stuff and the ratings varied depending on size (the smaller the diameter
of the PVC, the higher the rating)  The lowest PSI rating was on the 4"
diameter stuff and that was still rated at 220psi (just about double
the pressure of my compressor's maximum output).  The 3" diameter was
260psi and 2" was over 300psi.  The smaller 1" and 3/4" stuff was
375psi and 400+psi respectively.

So, with those ratings and the comments from others, I think I'll
be enhancing my garage with better air distribution system using
the PVC.  Thanks again for the responses.

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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