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Re: Repro Parts

To: (John Lye)
Subject: Re: Repro Parts
From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1992 12:16:11 PDT
We've been 'round this before, methinks. I have exactly the same
experience with Moss vs TRF as TeriAnn and John, and VickyBrit is MUCH MUCH 

It seems to be particularly bad with trim and interior pieces -- parts
come from Moss with predrilled holes in obviously the wrong places, for
example. Recently I ordered the trunk casing panel for the 4A from Moss
(this is the vertical piece that goes in the boot to hide the gas
tank). This part hadn't been available for quite a while, so I was
pleased when Moss started listing them at a good price. Unfortunately,
all but two of the predrilled holes were in the wrong place... this
just can't be that hard, and I can't believe that there was much
variation in the original manufacture. It's just a quality control problem.

I, too, was worried about TriumphTune. But it looks like Moss Europe
may end up a good influence on Moss USA, rather than the other way
'round; the new catalogs are coming from Europe to here, for example.

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