Steve elaborated...
>This is a Suzuki Samarai 4WD with a Midget body and interior grafted on. It's
>actually very well done and looks really goofy. It sits up about 1.5 feet and
>has flared fenders to take the mud&snow tires. The guy who did it also
>restores British and other cars for a living and also had a nicely restored
>MGBGT parked next to it. The guy's from Redding and there just ain't much to
>do up there...
I'll buy that evaluation of Redding. `^)
Say, this guy's name didn't happen to be Tim, did it? I worked with a
guy in Redding who was seriously into Minis (and in fact, was making
side money remanufacturing Mini water pumps). However, I haven't talked
to him in years, and he could have branched out into MGs since then.