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Mini Cooper for sale on the net

To: (For posting news to british group)
Subject: Mini Cooper for sale on the net
From: Bob "Mr Optimistic" Deasy <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 13:20:31 PDT
Found on the net and passed on for your enjoyment.

From: (Peg Steensland)    
Subject: 1960 Morris Mini Cooper - new home 
Sender: ()
Organization: Chemical Abstracts Service
Distribution: na
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1992 16:28:53 GMT

                        FOR SALE - MORRIS MINI COOPER

Car acquired in 1973 (gas crisis) - little use since then - previously run 
at Mid-Ohio by local enthusiast.

Green - Has 1100 MG engine.  Runs, but needs work.  This is not a 2nd car 
or a kid's car. While this type of car is still prevalent in the UK, it is 
no longer imported due to failure to meet U.S. safety standards.

Would like to get $1500 obo. No time constraints, but would like to have 
decision quickly, say, by June 30.  Would be easier to deal with Ohioan or 
person with agent/relative here.

Reply via email.

        Committee - a group of men who individually can do nothing
        but as a group decide nothing can be done.

                                                -Fred Allen

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